
How About Some Marketing?

Free weekly newsletter with straightforward, no-nonsense marketing guidance and tools for organizations that are looking to grow.

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SEO Tool Showcase Webinar Recording + How Do You Handle the Unpredictables?

How About Some Marketing? Newsletter By Emanuel P Last week Amin Foroutan, an SEO consultant from Toronto was my guest for the webinar where he showcased the SEO tools (Chrome extensions, web applications, Google Sheets and ChatGPT) he created. You can watch the recording here. Please like, share and subscribe and leave a comment. It will help with our growing community. Oh, and thank you for being part of it 😉 Here’s a list of the tools and links where to get them from. Except for one, all...

Many years ago, when I started blogging, I read a newsletter that said something like, "Never say something like sorry I haven't written for X many days... I've been busy with Y and Z" even if you were absent for a longer period of time. So... I'm not saying anything. I've drafted many newsletters in my mind (no pun intended regarding the subject line of this email), and although some were timely, I've settled on this one today. We've all seen the memes about the Turkish shooter from the...

We had a great panel discussion on July 11 on the topic of AI and how you can use it for SEO and digital marketing (but it’s not just about that, is it now? Be honest; have you ever asked ChatGPT what to cook for dinner* or to tell you what exercise to do at the gym today? - I did). Joachim, Kevin and Amin, three digital marketing experts, shared powerful insights on how they use AI (ChatGPT, Perplexity, Gemini, Claude et. CO) and how can YOU, as a business owner or as someone who’s working...

If you're like me, you've been working more - not less - since "the AI" - Chat GPT and the likes. It can get overwhelming since, now, every tool that we use (from WhatsApp to Elementor to Semrush) has an A.I. component. How do you stay on top of your game and leverage it for your marketing? And can A.I. be used only for marketing, or are there any other uses? Spoiler - there are very few things that A.I. can’t do 100 times faster and better than most of the things you do. I didn’t say...

Two years ago, around this time, when I was working from home and going for my runs in the morning, I got a call from the webmaster of an organization I was part of and was helping them with the website and the IT management (yeah, I've done that also) - the website was down, and she specified the error. I stopped for a few seconds and recommended an easy fix: Log into the hosting account and ask support to restore yesterday’s backup!* I continued my run while enjoying the entire situation...

How often are you caught off guard? By a client, an algorithm update, or simply by life itself? I’m pretty sure that as a business owner (or a campaign manager working with clients, in an agency environment), you get overwhelmed with the amount of work that’s required of you. Things haven’t simplified (I know for sure it’s not just me) - more fields to update, more spreadsheets to fill, more items to order, more policies to update, more updates to more software, etc. I wish I could help...

I found myself explaining to a 20-year-old what Minesweeper was (or is?). Since there are a few subscribers in that age group, it’s worth taking a few seconds to introduce it: before cellphones and the internet, there was a time when the only fun thing you could do on a computer was to play games. Sure, CounterStrike, Starcraft, Fifa and the likes were the best, but even before those, Windows - the only operating system available worldwide, came with a few games by default: Solitaire, Hearts...

Probably one of the most anticipated webinars I’ve hosted. Although it dosen't fall under the marketing category, cybersecurity can kill your business faster than anything else. Those who’ve been subscribed know my frustrations with technology et. co. All these benefits that we have (the convenience of ordering a ride from your cellphone*, being reachable all over the world**, conveniently setting your room temperature from your device***, etc.) come at a huge risk - the weakest point can be...

Nothing related to April’s fool - I wanted to start with this statement :) I got fooled already by a client who posted something on his Facebook page, and I thought he got hacked or something close… We discussed branding before in the newsletter and in a few of our webinars before, but nothing close to what Dan Couvrette, a successful Canadian entrepreneur (and my former boss), did during our latest session last Thursday. Branding - it’s not just for livestock - is something I used to say,...

I’ve promised many times that I’ll be talking more about marketing in my newsletter, so here it is :) - about the March Core Update from Google - the (most popular*) search engine. Since this is right up my alley as an SEO specialist - I thought a few words on the matter were important. But before anything else, remember this: Google will always try to show its user - the one who performs the search - the best possible answer for that query. That’s it! One of the most valuable companies on...