AI-Driven Marketing Strategies - The Recording

We had a great panel discussion on July 11 on the topic of AI and how you can use it for SEO and digital marketing (but it’s not just about that, is it now? Be honest; have you ever asked ChatGPT what to cook for dinner* or to tell you what exercise to do at the gym today? - I did).

Joachim, Kevin and Amin, three digital marketing experts, shared powerful insights on how they use AI (ChatGPT, Perplexity, Gemini, Claude et. CO) and how can YOU, as a business owner or as someone who’s working in the marketing department, can take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity.

Thank you for signing up and attending. If you missed it, don’t worry. We have it all on tape.

Seth Godin said AI is the biggest change in our world since the invention of electricity. As Kevin (one of the guests) pointed out, electricity was invented in the early 19th century but didn’t change anything until the early 20th century.

I have personally been working more, not less, since AI. But my results have also been satisfying. This is the new paradigm in which we operate, and - again, as Kevin said, AI will require us to learn skills that will become foundational - similar to how books and reading opened up the age of illumination and changed the world completely.

Still not convinced?

You can replay the full webinar here.

One of the guests, Amin, will return on August 29th, the last Thursday of the month, starting 7 pm EST, for another exclusive webinar. In it, he’ll showcase some of the SEO tools he built. If you’re not following the SEO community, let me tell you that Amin is quite a popular fellow because of the tools he created, recently being featured in the top industry newsletter and having been shared by top industry influencers.

If you want to make your life as a digital marketer easier, don’t miss out on this event.

Register here.

*I ended up ordering, but not because the answer was not satisfying.

There are a few (good) bands named Coma; perhaps each country has one, and Romania is no exception. It’s a band that I grew up with; I bought their albums, but I think I’ve listened to them more live than their recordings. Every now and then, a song pops into my playlist, a song that I’ve probably listened to many times but did not stand out… until they did. Chip (face/image) did stand out recently. Good old 2000’s alternative rock.

Short of the Day

Articles worth sharing:

I Disavowed Every Link To My Website. Here’s What Happened

Cyrus Shephard is a well-known SEO who does all kinds of SEO experiments. Read what happened when he disavowed all the links to his website. And a note on that topic - many believe disavowing is important; others swear it has no impact whatsoever. I believe there’s a reason why that tool is still there - and most likely, for all this time, this was just for training the machines on what people consider bad links.

Stop Words in SEO Explained + Stop Word List

When I was with an agency, I got asked a lot about these stop words and how do they impact SEO. If you are in the same situation and want to give a better answer than “it depends,” read the above article from SEO Powersuite.

Detailed Q4: Analysing The SEO Playbook of Digital Goliaths In-Depth, Every Quarter

If you’re not familiar with Glen Allsopp’s analysis, you’re in for a good one. If you are, you’ll enjoy this as you usually do. Analysis of what? Of organic traffic for some MAJOR websites. We’re talking millions of visitors here. I’ve not gone through the entire report, but eventually, I’ll finish it.


Including a 4th article today, as this is probably one of the most important messages one should reflect on this year. Prof. Galloway has been an inspiration and one of the people I follow closely. He doesn't always get things right, but unfortunately, he might be on this topic. Please read it and be aware - history tends to repeat itself. There’s not much one can do in the grand scheme of things. I’m just trying to make the best out of it, but I can do more than others. I have been blessed and privileged (by no means I have it easy) - most aren’t. Be kind and at least mind your own business.

How About Some Marketing?

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How About Some Marketing? Newsletter By Emanuel P Last week Amin Foroutan, an SEO consultant from Toronto was my guest for the webinar where he showcased the SEO tools (Chrome extensions, web applications, Google Sheets and ChatGPT) he created. You can watch the recording here. Please like, share and subscribe and leave a comment. It will help with our growing community. Oh, and thank you for being part of it 😉 Here’s a list of the tools and links where to get them from. Except for one, all...

Many years ago, when I started blogging, I read a newsletter that said something like, "Never say something like sorry I haven't written for X many days... I've been busy with Y and Z" even if you were absent for a longer period of time. So... I'm not saying anything. I've drafted many newsletters in my mind (no pun intended regarding the subject line of this email), and although some were timely, I've settled on this one today. We've all seen the memes about the Turkish shooter from the...

If you're like me, you've been working more - not less - since "the AI" - Chat GPT and the likes. It can get overwhelming since, now, every tool that we use (from WhatsApp to Elementor to Semrush) has an A.I. component. How do you stay on top of your game and leverage it for your marketing? And can A.I. be used only for marketing, or are there any other uses? Spoiler - there are very few things that A.I. can’t do 100 times faster and better than most of the things you do. I didn’t say...